TK Custom provides a range of specialized services for Smith & Wesson revolvers, including precision machining, cylinder chamfering, and chamber honing. Their offerings also include performance action tuning, rechambering for 9mm and .38 Super, barrel venting for specific models, and bead blast finishing. These services aim to enhance the function and appearance of your revolver, with options to install S&W Moonclips and modify revolver hammers and triggers for optimal performance.
Using these with the new 642 Pro Series PC model that comes cut for moon clips in .38 and Underwood carry ammo, since they have nickel-plated Starline brass. Excellent fit, and they hold open much firmer than the ones it came with, don't have to jiggle them in.
1000 times better than factory supplied moon clips. The rounds stay strait and don't collapse to the center. Really makes reloads easier. Having some difficulty getting the 5th round into the clip without using pliers. May order the moons that have the little slot cut in them next time hoping they will be easier to get the 5th round in. I would like to find someone local who has one I can try before I commit to purchasing more. Great product but spendy so I would like to confirm the cut slot will make loading the 5th round easier. Bottom line I will buy again.