Explore our vast selection of US-made revolver accessories, moonclips and parts. We're a leader in the revolver accessory market so you'll find top-of-the-line products in stock from top manufacturers like Smith & Wesson, Ruger, Taurus, Chiappa and Rock Island. Shop below and load up with TK Customs.
These moon clips don't hold your rounds securely. I've only used these clips a few times and the rounds just fall out! They don't stay tight at all and are not worth the $8 each! I'm not sure if they are defective or if they are a total waste of money.
I do know that I'm not happy with them at all!
Watched the video on installation. Installing rebound slide spring can be a little tricky but overall, pretty straight forward install after polishing trigger sear and rebound slide. Very smooth action and very satisfied