S&W Revolver Shop Manual - 5th Edition: Comprehensive Guide for Smith & Wesson Firearm Maintenance
Unlock the comprehensive world of Smith & Wesson revolver maintenance and customization with the Expanded 5th Edition of Jerry Kuhnhausen's classic book, spanning 207 pages and presented in a convenient 6 x 9 softbound format. This invaluable resource is an essential addition to the library of any firearm enthusiast, gunsmith, or revolver owner. It covers an extensive range of topics related to Smith & Wesson revolvers, including J, K, L, and N frame guns, from pre-WWII models to contemporary numbered models.
Key Features and Highlights:
1. Comprehensive Coverage: This expanded edition is designed to provide a wealth of knowledge and practical insights. It covers all the common issues that can affect Smith & Wesson revolvers, from cracked frames to timing problems and excess endshake. Whether you're a novice or an experienced gunsmith, this book is a valuable reference.
2. Universal Applicability: The information presented in this book is applicable to a wide range of Smith & Wesson revolvers. Since the lockwork is essentially the same across different models, the guidance provided here is relevant to various J, K, L, and N frame guns.
3. Custom Work: In addition to addressing common problems, the book delves into the realm of custom work. You'll find detailed instructions on tasks such as adding a crane locking ball, as well as guidance on polishing and rebluing your firearm to enhance its appearance and performance.
4. Step-by-Step Disassembly: The book includes comprehensive, step-by-step disassembly instructions. These instructions are accompanied by valuable insights on how to identify and address any damage or wear and tear that may be present in your revolver.
5. Modern Insights: The book doesn't shy away from addressing modern developments, including post-1997 MIM (metal injection molded) parts. You'll find discussions and insights into these advancements, ensuring that you're well-informed about the latest in revolver technology.
In summary, the Expanded 5th Edition of The S&W Revolver: A Shop Manual by Jerry Kuhnhausen is a must-have resource for anyone with an interest in Smith & Wesson revolvers. Whether you're looking to troubleshoot common issues, perform custom work, or gain a deeper understanding of your firearm, this book offers a wealth of information and guidance. Invest in this comprehensive resource and elevate your knowledge and skills in revolver maintenance and customization.
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Federal or Remington & others makes works the best with the .025 thick Full Moonclips, which fit all the .38/357 standard moonclip. They allow the cartridges to have some movement or wiggle so that they will fall right into the chambers once properly aligned. Winchester brass does not work at all as the groove width is too tight/small.
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There is no SAAMI specifications for the extractor groove and each manufacturer makes them as they want. The following list gives you a great example. This is why the diameter size of the brass is critical to proper loading, unloading and fitment. Cartridge diameter too big and moonclip too small causes the moonclip to bend. The cartridge should rotate within their respective place and wobble slightly when all cartridges are loaded.
If you are unsure about how to use moon clips for your revolver, or wondering which moon clip to use, call us. See the Contact menu tab.

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